Essay On Should Illegal Immigrants Be Deported

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In the society that we live in, it is very easy for an American citizen to say that illegal immigrants should automatically be deported. I am not in any way claiming that every American is supporting the idea that it is right to deport any and every illegal immigrant. If people were to put themselves in the position of the woman with three young kids, a sick husband, and a low paying job I am almost certain they would change their perspective on whether or not every immigrant should be deported. With everything that has happened with the presidential election and all the big talk on deportation of illegal immigrants take a second to truly understand what is happening around you. I am not here to tell you that you are wrong for believing in the fact that illegal immigrants should be deported. You and I are both here for the same reason, we both want clarity on the subject. Is deportation wrong? Is deportation right because it will help keep the United States safe? Everyone is screaming left and right, debating back and forth over these questions. So here is where I come in; deportation is not right, also it is not wrong. Recently my father became a legal citizen. Over …show more content…

Immigrants are not taking our jobs. “The U.S. civilian workforce included 8 million unauthorized immigrants in 2014, accounting for 5% of those who were working or were unemployed and looking for work.” This statement from Pew Research Center is also in my opinion and point of view not false but misleading information. If a person is lying on their couch too busy worrying about what type of drugs they are putting in their body, too busy being lazy, or too busy having fun and not worrying about getting a job, then that means that immigrants are not taking our jobs. Every person that is alive and eligible to work will always have the opportunity to work. It is up to that person if they have a job or