
Essay On Social Media On Teenagers

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Social media has had a negative effect on teenager’s social lives and personal wellbeing. People don’t realize the damage that has been done to them until it is too late to stop it.
Social media has connected us in many ways, it has brought us together by fixing gaps in communication with families and friends, giving everyone an equal voice to share their opinion and even revolutionizing businesses giving them a chance to expand. Nevertheless it has opened up new ways for negative things to wiggle their way into aspects of our lives, like misinformation and fake news causing worry and distress, reducing productivity in work places and schools and cyber bullying becoming a severe issue. These can lead to causing havoc on lives even destroying …show more content…

The downside of the social media is the side effects it has on people and the people that surround them, their wellbeing and their habits even their life
This needs to be addressed, everyone should feel safe and secure while browsing and sharing on the internet mostly teenagers being more sensitive to negative feedback because of their own experiences and making their own way through this huge and dangerous world. But not everyone will admit there is a problem with social media today because they haven’t had to experience the negativity or the side effects of social media.
At the end of the day, we all just have to focus on showing our friends or children that there are people who care about them and want to help them through the issues and life, furthermore to show them that posting and sharing their problems on social media isn’t always the best solution but more the opposite. Also to remind them that there is something even better in life than just a screen or a device in our hands, it’s the people we meet. So turn the devices off and enjoy life to the fullest and live in the

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