Social Media Influence On American Culture

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Essay 3 Prompt: How has social media impacted American culture? Thesis statement: Social media has become a common staple and main way of communication in American culture and this impact has affected not only adults, but children of all ages. Outline: Introduction: Examining the way in which the use of social media has influenced and thus impacted American culture. Background: Technological advances have made way for various avenues of communication such as text and multimedia messaging. Since its induction, social media has captivated users of all ages and has become a common staple in households across the United States and has had a significant impact on American culture. Evidence (1): a) Friends and families are not only able to reconnect, …show more content…

However, many off turn a blind eye to the negative impact it has and will continue to have on society. For instance, although the ability to share images and videos with loved ones instantaneously regardless of where they are in the world is amazing; a simple oversight in the privacy settings could potentially place those pictures and/or videos in the wrong hands, which could be used to bully. In fact, “the depression and anxiety from cyberbullying are significant and have been the cause of many suicides in America” (Richards, Caldwell, & Go, 2015). Therefore, it is imperative that social media is not only monitored, but usage is …show more content…

Through social media outlets like Facebook, users are able reconnect with long lost friends and family, small and large businesses alike are able to connect with customers and reach more consumers, easier, and faster than ever before. However, along with these benefits are the risks that this easy access and instant communication come with. As scripture states, “All things are lawful”, but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful”, but not all things build up” (1 Corinthians 10:23 ESV). From cyberbullies to predators, users of ages are not immune to the negative effects of social media. Moreover, many relationships are negatively affected as the importance of engaging in social media takes precedence over being “there” in person. As scripture reminds us, “Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:25 ESV). Therefore, it is imperative that social media use is not only monitored, but the usage is limited. Parents must lead by example and do this by limiting social media use and setting boundaries and demonstrating the importance of being present for loved

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