Social Media And Social Depression

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As the technology era change over time, the social media becomes an important part of our life. We use social media to connect with friends and family, also to found out the latest news or fashion trends. Especially after the great success of Facebook, many other social media follow along such as Snapchat and Instagram. Numerous young age children gradually sink into the virtual world of Social Media. According to the Pew Research Center survey, that majority of Americans use Facebook and YouTube, but young adults are especially heavy users of Snapchat and Instagram. We see social media as a great way to communicate and socialize, but most of us did not realize that social media “secretly” link to the Depression. Depression is a common mood disorder that affects the way we think and feel. One of the characteristics of depression is low self-esteem, and it can easily come from the unrealistic body figure comparisons and harsh judgments from the social media. According to a 2017 study by The Royal Society of Public Health indicted Snapchat and Instagram were the two to inspire feelings of inadequacy and anxiety in the age group between fifteen to twenty-five. Seven out the ten said Instagram made them feel worse about body image and half of the age group in between fourteen to twenty-four reported Instagram and Facebook exacerbated the feeling of anxiety. Two-thirds said Facebook made cyber-bullying worse. As result, we know most the young adults are receiving negative