Essay On Softball Player

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On every great sports team, there needs to be a strong foundation of players. All the players need to have a positive mindset and to help encourage others throughout the game. Throughout my years of playing softball, I have come to see the way teams function and the players on the team. The players can range from being the all-star player to the naturally born player and finally to the easy-going player. All the components of a softball team depends on the type of players and the need of every single type of player. Dedicated Player The dedicated player in softball is someone who is really into the game and is always trying to do their best no matter what goes wrong. She is the person who will go after every ball that comes her way when she is in the outfield. The dedicated player will also be the one who will most likely be the one to hit the ball far and …show more content…

This player is the one who gets everyone on the team in a good mood. Every pop fly that is caught, she will be cheering. Every ball thrown to first for an out, she is firing out the team. Every strikeout, she is the one who is rushing to the pitcher to give a high five. When her team is batting, she is the one who is cheering for a walk, single, double, triple, and especially a homerun. I have recognized this player on the softball field as the person who is fun, energetic, and always is positive. I have also seen this person as being peppy when our team has completed a play to prevent runs from coming home but will be ecstatic when a double play has been made. When she is watching her team bat, she is always cheering from positivity when a player strikes out all the way to the crack of the bat sending the ball out of the park with screams of praise. She will be the one who will cheer and try to cheer up the players and crowd no matter what the score is. Teacher