Molly Pitcher Research Papers

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American legends are often based on historical facts that have been embellished orpushed to the extremes. One such legend is the legend of Mary Ludwig Hays. Mary got the name“Molly Pitcher” because of her war efforts and her heroism and bravery during the AmericanRevolution and the small battle of Monmouth in New Jersey. While many other grander battlesoccurred, it was rare for a woman to partake in any battles, let alone one in a war involving GreatBritain and the colonies of the United States. Mary proved herself victorious and valorous byassuming a predominantly male role, and pushing through until the very end.Molly Pitcher was an american legend that started in New jersey in the United States, it isa legend because it is a story passed …show more content…

In one version her name was Mary LudwigHayes and in another version her name is Margaret Corbin. But in one version there is proof thata John Hayes enlisted in the battle of monmouth in New Jersey which was said to be her husbandin one source. It is said that Molly Pitcher fought in the revolutionary war, carried water pitchers,washing soldiers laundry, nursed injured soldiers and worked as a servant for a Dr. WilliamIrvine.This legend of molly pitcher was based on a real person named Mary Ludwig Hays orMargaret Corbin depending on the version and sources that you read. Molly Pitcher is known asa war hero because of her bravery and dedication to her husband, his soldiers and the health ofthe soldiers during the war and her strength to carry on in the war during the extreme conditions.The fact that this legend took place during the American revolution its origin is americanbecause of where it originated in New Jersey. The legend of Molly Pitcher came to be because ofher actions in the war and the battle of monmouth and she became a war heroine so everyonespread the word about her war efforts and bravery and that's how the legend of molly pitchercame to be. There are still modern versions of this legend today, the names of the person havechanged a little over time but overall the story is the