
Research Paper On Daisy Miller

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Tyra Olowa Mrs. Savercool AP Language and Composition April 21, 2015 Daisy Miller The majority of the story focuses on Winterbourne and his unwavering dilemma on uncovering the personality of Daisy Miller. He cannot decide whether she is putting on a facade or is she unfazed to how naive she is. On numerous occaisons, Daisy presents herself as self- centered and infatuated with wealth. The first time she interacts with Winterbourne, she talks about her thriving social life and encounters with gentlemen suitors. She says, “ In New York I had lots of society. Last winter I had seventeen dinners given me; and three of them were by gentlemen” (pg.57). Daisy in this moment appears to act this way deliberately and not caring how others view her. She is luring Winterbourne in by acting non-chalant and careless with social ettiquette toward him. Daisy’s system of values are superficial and allow her to use boldness to flirt with Winterbourne. …show more content…

She discloses how wealthy she was to Winterbourne when discussing Randolph’s discontent with having a teacher accompanying the trip. She says “ He said he wouldn’t have lessons when he was in the cars. And we are in the cars about half the time” (pg.55). She makes a hint toward her economic stature by indicating time spent in a chauffered vehicle while traveling. Later in the conversation she again makes mention of her immense affairs in high society. She states “ I’m very fond of society, and I have always had a great deal of it” (pg. 57). This conveys her longing of wanting to be recognized as a well connected and established socialite. A intrigued Winterbourne does not look at the statement this way instead he is charmed by her forward

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