Laura Secord Accomplishments

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The war of 1812, a war between both the Americans and the British may have ended up as a British victory due to one remarkable heroine, Laura Secord. Her thirty kilometres trek towards the Beaver Dams can be considered as a feat of bravery that showcased her unmistakable patriotic pride. The remarkable Canadian event all began on the evening of June 21st, 1813, where Secord and her husband overheard the conversation between the American soldiers about their plans to attack Colonel James Fitzgibbon. In a letter Laura Secord wrote forty years after the event occurred, she wrote “ It was while the Americans had possession of the frontier, that I learned of the plans of the American commander”. One could consider this heroic journey as one that no civilian women would dare to do, considering the circumstances of Laura Secord, with an injured husband and five children at home.Secord later stated in a memorial prepared for the Prince of Wales “ Living on the Frontier during the whole of my life I had frequent opportunities of knowing the moves of the American forces. I was thus …show more content…

As Pierre Berton state, “ In all her long life, Laura Secord will tell her story many times, embellishing it here and there, muddying it more than a little”. THe problem with Laura Secord’s story is that even the heroine herself made numerous modifications of her story by being both vague and contradictory. Therefore, it is not surprising, that due to her various accounts, the event is still often questioned by other historians. Even if Laura Secord’s journey was detailed, with a outline of her changing the course of the war of 1812’s outcome, the events have had a number of modifications. THerefore, Laura Secord has taken one of the most honourable status in the terms of canadian heroes and heroines. (MARSHA ANN