Cyberstalking: Chapter V Forms Of Stalking

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Based on the manner of stalking, that is how victim is pursued by the stalker, stalking can be divided into following:

1) Physical Stalking:
The most conventional or traditional form of stalking is physical stalking. It is also called offline stalking. Here the stalker or accused physically stalk their victim and usually turn up at places of employment, residence or any public place visited by the victim. The stalker follows or spy on their victim. The stalker may also send letters or postcards and leave unwanted gifts or presents to their victim in order to pester and perturb her.

There are cases of physical stalking which has resulted into more severe crime such as rape, kidnapping or abduction or murder. In one of the case , Ali Nanu, accused, stalked a girl of 21 years, when she …show more content…

Cyberstalking can be direct or indirect . Cyberstalking comprises utilising mobile, pagers, email and electronic messages to send pictures or messages of threat, vulgarity, obscenity and abhorrence in order to overawe victim. Wallace (2000) believed that direct cyberstalking is the most regular kind cyberstalking with near similarity to offline stalking . Online harassment, that is, cyberstalking begins first by direct cyberstalking. The majority of offline stalkers endeavours to contact their victim, and most contact are confined to email or telephonic …show more content…

Indirect cyberstlking starts mostly through chat rooms, instant messages, message boards and newsgroups. Ogilvie (2000) asserts that indirect cyberstalking has the utmost potential to mix into the real world as there is risk of third party getting involved in it