The Texas Executive The Texas executive branch is where the power to execute the law resides, and where the Governor holds power. Due to Texas’ difficult past with corrupt Governors like E.J. Davis that have gained too much power, our government as a whole decided to put in place a plural executive. A plural executive is when power of the Governor is broken between multiple heads in the government, rather than having that power all rest with one person. Having a plural executive helps to keep the amount of corruption in the Texas executive branch down, by ensuring that one person is not able to gain too much power and thus corrupt the rest of the government by appointing based on friendship. The people who are elected as members of the plural executive have executive power, even though it is shared amongst each other, and are seen as the most important people in the executive branch. One of the most important powers held by the executive branch is their ability to appoint people to boards, commissions, and regulatory agencies. This is …show more content…
Had we not had corrupt Governors like E.J. Davis, we might not have seen the need for a plural executive. Just like other states who had different experiences would feel the need for a different governmental set up. Regardless, the fact that there is so much fear of a corrupt state government leads the people to wish for an abundance of regulations to be put in place, which in turn places a significant amount of power in the hands of the people. This power is largely shown in the form of voting for Governor and voting in other branches, like for the judges of the judicial branch. Texas’ executive branch may be unique, but there is a reason that things are run the way they are, allowing for the Texas executive branch to be run in a way that makes its citizens feel both secure and