Essay On The 18th Amendment

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The creation of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was the beginning of the Prohibition. The Prohibtion was the Federal ban of any transport or sale of intoxicating liquors. It was passed by Congress December 18, 1917 and repealed by the 21st Amendment. December 5, 1933. One of the questions you mostly likely have is why was there a point to it; or maybe how it began. By the late 1800s prohibition movements had already started. It was fueled by religious groups who thought
Alcohol, including the effects of it, to be a threat to this nation. The climax of movement was around 1920. This is when congress ratified the 18th Amendment.

The banning of Alcohol was thought to be a solution to most problems but made them worse. The effects …show more content…

The american people began to become very sneaky with how they get their alcohol. Some small distilleries made up a way to get by the law. They would make drink called Near Beer, it was pretty simple to make and none the less easy for the distilleries to create. The Near Beer was composed of Malt syrup, water and yeast, all that was needed to be done was let it sit and ferment. Some winemakers would follow a more simpler route and would sell a product. That product was chunks of grape concentrate call "wine bricks". The bootleggers would make a type of moonshine called
Bathtub Gin, it had a foul taste and those who were desperate enough to drink it would risk becoming blind or poisoned. The tainted alcohol killed as many as or even more than 10,000 people before the repeal of the 18th Amendment.

One of the biggest reasons the prohibition failed was because they couldn't keep up with the crime it had caused. It failed to enforce sobriety and costing billions and then rapidly lost popular support in the early 1930s. Even after the repeal some states still followed it. They maintained several statewide temperance laws.
Prohibition had nothing to compare to what was beginning. the great depression pushed
Prohibition out of the way. And thus Mississippi was the last dry state in the union ending the statewide Prohibition in

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