
Essay On The 1920s And 1970

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While there were many reforms between 1920-and 1970, the reforms made during the 1920s, 1930s, and 1960s have had the most longer lasting effect on the United States. The 1920s saw a period with the greatest social reform. Americans were beginning to realize that there was more to life than working, in respect to the fact during the 1920s, “Americans spent more and more of their income on leisure activities like vacations, movies, and sporting events” (Foner 783). The rapid expansion of industries causing the development of the middle class is a primary reason why Americans were able to enjoy leisure activities since the had a steady income coming in. The use of technology increased during this decade, as people were able to afford radios and phonographs. Americans no longer had to rely on …show more content…

The New Deal was the most important deal that came out during this decade, which was led by President Roosevelt. President Roosevelt wanted to “reconcile democracy, individual liberty, and economic recovery and development” (Foner 822) as the creation for the New Deal. The Emergency Banking Act was one of the products from the New Deal in order to save some of the remaining banks, during the Great Depression, that were on the brink of collapsing. The failure that would have resulted from not saving those banks would have continued the downward spiral of the United States’ economy. The National Recovery Administration was designed to help rebuild United States’ companies to “establish industry codes that set standards for output, prices, and working conditions” (Foner 824). To help combat all of the foreclosures occurring, the Federal Housing Administration was created to come up with ways to make housing affordable for citizens. All of these programs created in the New Deal worked together to help revitalize the United States’ banking system, businesses, and housing

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