Essay On The Difference Between Andrew Jackson A President Or King

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The difference between a President and king is that a king rules based on their own opinion while a President rules on what is right for the people. Also a King has no limitations while a President does.First, President Jackson created the Indian Act of 1830 which is a major factor of characterizing Jackson as a King. Furthermore, when President Jackson first came into office he created the Spoils System. Lasly, Jackson absolutely hated the Bank of the United States and fought with the bank which is known as the war with Bank of the United States. Therefor, Andrew Jackson ruled more like a king than a ruler of the common man. Andrew Jackson created the Indian Removal Act of 1830 that forced Native Americans to move west into modern day Oklahoma. Andrew Jackson described the Indians as children needing guidance. The Indian Removal Act affected five large Indian tribes known as the Cherokee, Seminole, Chickasaw, Creek and Choctaw. From these tribes approximately 46,000 Indians were forcefully moved ( Indian removal Policy in USA). The Cherokee were …show more content…

The Federal Government deposited all it’s money in the Bank of the United States. Once Jackson was reelected in office he ordered the Secretary of the Treasurer to put the federal government’s money into state’s banks that are also called pet banks. Once the federal funds were gone and the Bank’s charter ran out the Bank went out of business. Just because Jackson didn’t like the bank he purposely destroyed it. The House of Representatives voted that the federal government’s money should stay in the Bank of the United States but Jackson did not care and ordered that the fund be placed into state banks (Jackson’s Economic Issues). A King does what he wants no matter who or how many people oppose his

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