Essay On The Effects Of Slavery In The United States

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Research Paper #3:
Slavery and Its Effect on the United States

Michael Borja
United States History 1301
November 16, 2017

From its beginnings in 1619 to its abolition in 1865, the enslavement of Africans and African Americans served as the backbone for the United States of America. Slavery pervaded the United States’ society and left its mark on every aspect and every people. Economically, slavery centered the South around the agricultural production of crops, especially cotton, and dependent on the free labor provided by slaves. Politically, slavery divided the Northern and Southern United States into two regions of conflicting interests, where the Southern pro-slavery states pursued the advancement of slavery and the Northern states advocated its abolition. Culturally, the suppression from slavery shaped the African and African American communities into extended families tied by unofficial relationships and labor. For the white society, motherly relationships between slaves and plantation women reinforced the cult of domesticity, which was the concept of women being confined to a separate sphere of influence within the household. …show more content…

By birth or by the Transatlantic Slave Trade, which was the forceful transportation of Africans across the Atlantic Ocean into the United States, Africans and African Americans entered slavery and often remained until death, forced to labor as fields hands and be owned by the white society of the United States for the rest of their lives. While the North gradually pushed towards the end of slavery, the South abused African and African American slaves until its abolition in 1865. Between 1619 and 1865 in the South, human slaves were viewed as nothing more than

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