History Of Slavery Essay

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History of Slavery “Throughout the 17th century, European settlers in North America turned to African slaves as a cheaper, more plentiful labor source than indentured servants, who were mostly poorer Europeans” (History Staff). The most disastrous and horrifying crimes are against humanity, which is to deny seeing someone as human in other people’s eyes means to treat them as a slave. Therefore, slavery in the United States was one of the most cruel and unusual punishments for African Americans. The history of slavery will begin to show us now how cruel the whites treated the blacks back in modern day. Racial discrimination is still present today just not as cruel as it was back in the seventeenth century.

During the early seventeenth century, …show more content…

The slave revolt that most terrified white slaveholders that was led by Nat Turner in Southampton County, Virginia in August 1831. This rebellion of blacks had about 75 people in the group and murdered 60 whites in two days before armed resistance from local whites overwhelmed them. By that time there was a very powerful group called the KKK, which stands for the Ku Klux Klan, formed and began going around killing any African American they saw. This group was only vital in the South at this time, and scared and frustrated all of the black population which led them to get thoughts about running for freedom in the North. Around the time of this there was a unique, but very dangerous system that helped aid blacks to freedom, and this was called the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was not only brutally dangerous but it was against the law. To help protect themselves they created secret codes that only the blacks knew. Many of the slaves who ran for freedom using this system made it to freedom, but there were a select few who did not make it. One of the African Americans who chose to take the Underground Railroad to freedom was Henry Bibb and he

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