The Enlightenment Movement: The Rise Of The Enlightment Movement

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When we speak about the enlightenment era the first thing that come in mind is tranquility and relaxation but this enlightenment that we are about to talk is about changes that happened thousands of years that helped to organization of today’s social and political organization that we have. There are too many enlightenments that we can mention for example. It was the enlightenment era in Scottish and
English enlightenment and the German, Swiss or even the American Enlightenment but all have a common goal and that was to help the organization and wellbeing of the people in that era. The Enlightenment era was a time of a lot disagreements between intellectuals about how they see the ways of life in another how they see reality. In the …show more content…

Arguments and Discussion became a way to make decision in the everyday life of the citizens.

In the Renaissance was a strong sense of humanitarian and optimism that was never complete in any way,
Until the enlighten movement some historian said that the renaissance was the seed of the enlightenment
Movement but now we know that the enlightenment is the cherry blossom in history in another word enlightenment was the tool to realize the changes needed in the era. Citizens came with the idea of Coffee shop (Café shops) where they gather to argue or discuss any subjects from governments affairs to a the everyday events of their life. Sometime, these arguments were too heard and out of control and mainly

By the 18th century politics changes were not the thing to argue or was not a distraction at all. For example,
In Prussia, Frederick the Great introduced to the citizens the right of freedom of religion but at the same time he was enlarging his military capacities. He also, expanded the role of the state in the economics of the nation. Frederick, he implemented an agriculture system to help his people. In 1740, Britain and France were in war that lasted 7 years just because each one wanted to have more colonies than the other. Even …show more content…

They began preaching all over England, they disregarded the traditional ways to conduced instead they took sermons from the bible to attract more followers. The Methodists Church became the most independent religion in England in the Enlightenment era.

Meanwhile, In Sweden another religious movement began, this time was the Lutheran Movement led by
Phillip J. Spencer (1635-1705) and by Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). They have similar pattern as the Methodist Church the only differences were that they believe in sciences and revelations. Spencer Left
Sweden and moved to Germany. He was very passionate about the importance of the studies. He introduced the Sunday bible studies and singing but his most characteristic was the power of preaching.
After, Spencer passing, the movement upraised all over Europe and to the English Colonies all that was obtained under the leadership of Nicholaus von Zinzdorf (1700-1760).

By 1780’s Both movements were against each other predominate because different views. Even though they disagreed in some ways, they came together in one aspect, they recognized the abuses of religion that was occurring at the time by the