
Essay On The Giver

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Have you ever noticed when you read that you visualize what you are reading, hear what you are reading, or feel what you are reading? Usually when you read carefully, you can do all these things, including the other two senses. I am reading the book Giver by Lois Lowery and when I read I can do all these things. It helps you to get a clear idea on what is going on. When I read certain parts of this book, I got a clear vision on what was going on with the characters or the setting. For example, when Jonas was playing catch with Asher with an apple and the apple was changing when Jonas threw it in the air. When I read this part of the book, I got a very clear vision on what was going on. Another example would be when Jonas was talking about …show more content…

An example would be when Lily was talking about how she wanted to be a birthmother and her mom was trying to convince her that was not a good job for her. I could visualize this part but I could also hear Lily and her mom talking about it. I could hear the tone of both Lily and her mom’s voice. Another example was again when Jonas was talking about his dream. I could hear the confusion in Jonas’s voice when he started to talk about the dream. As well as visualizing and hearing, I could also feel certain parts of the book. As I said earlier, I could feel the shock and how confused Jonas was when Jonas threw the apple in the air and it changed for a second. Also, when Jonas was sitting with his family talking about the dream, I could feel how Jonas was confused and maybe even a little embarrassed talking about his dream and having to take the pills. Visualizing, hearing, and seeing things when you read is a good thing. It helps you understand what is happening in the text a lot more clearly. Also, it gets you to think more about the book when you are reading. Along with what I wrote about, you might also be able to taste what the characters do or smell what the characters do. Using all the five senses can make a big impact on what you are reading and how you are reading it. I think it a great idea to visualize, see and

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