Language In George Orwell's 'Animal Farm'

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Language: A weapon It is very well known that those who are able to express themselves and have the capability to convince others, always manage to get the things done. We can see this power of manipulating others in the character of Squealer. In the story he plays the role of an orator. He delivers all the speeches of the dictator Napoleon in such a way that he manages to convince all the other animals of the farm. Though every animal is aware of the fact that Snowball was the honest and dedicated leader but they easily got carried away by the words and the speech of Squealer. In order to justify the act of brutally killing and selling animals Squealer gives them the new song written by Minimus. Squealer very carefully chooses his words and play around them. The animals are not able to understand the hidden motive behind it and falls victim to his words. When Napoleon overthrew Snowball and became the dictator then there were some changes in the seven commandments. …show more content…

The very first prevalent difference was between the human class and of the animals. In the beginning we saw the torture and exploitation that the animals had to go through because of the humans. They were made to work for hours without the proper supply of food for them. This made them to rebellion. When napoleon came into the power there also we see the clear class difference between the pigs and rest of the animals of the farm. There were changes in the seven commandments. In the commandment it stated that every animal is equal but later on it changed into all animals are equal but some are more equal than others. The more important one were the pigs. Other animals were made to sleep on the ground with the availability of nominal amount of food. The pigs were allowed to use the beds and mattress for themselves. This was again against the commandments which were later on altered in the favor of the