Essay On The Principles Of The Declaration Of Independence

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The Principles in the Declaration of Independence I believe that the United States upholds the principles of the Declaration of Independence most of the time. Times have definitely changed since the Declaration of Independence was written which does make things a little more complicated. Now that things are so different from back then, it does make it harder to follow the principles of the Declaration of Independence but yet I feel like the United States does a pretty good job of it. When people think U.S., they think freedom and I believe that we gained this reputation by trying our best to stick to the principles. One example of someone struggling to uphold the principles of the Declaration of Independence is the NFL. Some players have decided that they will not stand for the national anthem. The players who are not standing for the national anthem believe that there is still racism. They feel like they are not treated equally or fairly to white people. This event relates to the principle one which is, “All people are created equal” and …show more content…

This terrorism is usually associated with Muslim groups. As a safety precaution the United States has decided that no Muslims are allowed access into our country. They think that it is a good idea to decrease the possibility of a terrorist attack by just not allowing any Muslims into our country. This could end up ruffling some feathers though, because some might think that this is unfair to them due to excerpt two of the Declaration of Independence. This excerpt states,” We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. This event relates to the principle one which is, “All people are created equal” and principle two which is, “All people have basic rights that cannot be taken