
Essay On The United States Has Such An Unequal Distribution Of Wealth

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“The United States has such an unequal distribution of wealth so that it's in the league of corrupt underdeveloped countries, no longer in the league of the developed nation.”(Zuesse). Unequal distribution of wealth has become a very big problem in America. As the common saying goes “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer”, this has become very true in America’s case with “75.4% of all wealth is owned by the richest 10% of the people.”(zeusse).While many see this as a bad thing, could the unequal distribution of wealth be a truly bad thing? Or could it be an incentive to work harder and become educated? The unequal distribution of wealth is where a small percent of a society owns most or all money when the larger percentage has much less income. This problem is very serious in third world countries and countries such as Russia where most of the population lives in poverty but less than one percent of the population have billions of dollars. In these kinds of societies it is almost impossible for the poor to work their way out of poverty due to limited opportunities. But in countries like America there is almost equality for everyone, After all it says in the constitution …show more content…

But if you die poor it’s your fault. “~Bill Gates. Our country has become very lazy and would rather do nothing than something. Every day more and more people are applying for welfare, while some people legitimately need this benefit most applying do not. This is truly sad because part of the reason our country is so great was this country’s work ethic. We strived to be great and worked for perfection, but that seems to be getting lost in today’s day and age. People work harder to find ways to use the government than actually join the work force and at least try to do something productive. While this is not the majority of our society it is portion and it is an injustice to those who work for their

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