Essay On How To Reduce Unsafe Behavior

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The four areas that organizations can use to reduce or eliminate unsafe behaviors at work are personnel selection, employee training, incentive programs, and safety rules and regulations.
The personnel selection is hiring the right people if you hire people that care about the job and is what they really want to do. Also, promoting someone can also reduce the unsafe acts especially if all worker know that they were promoted on merit.
Employee training can also be used to reduce or eliminate unsafe behaviors. For example training employees on the best way to use equipment and tools so they are educated in the use so they won't miss handling the equipment.
Incentive programs also can help reduce or eliminate unsafe behaviors at work. If employees know that there is an award if they follow the rules and do what is right it could have a positive result on the worker's behavior.
If the company puts out safety rules and regulations and if the …show more content…

In order to develop or select and implement occupational injury and illness prevention programs. It must include must establish workplace objectives for accident and illness prevention. Emphasis on the supervisors and employees' safety and health responsibilities and to make sure they are accountable. Your management staff will be held accountable for the safety record of the employees working under them.
This is a means of letting employees report unsafe conditions with an assurance that management will take appropriate action. The company will allocate resources financial, material, and personnel for identifying and controlling hazards in operations and processes and potential hazards, installing engineering controls, purchasing personal protective equipment, and promoting and training employees in safety and health. In this program, it is always the company to set a good