Essay On Vision Of Canada

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Visions of Canada
A strong nation is a nation of goals and visions. Canada as a country has built itself as strong and independent with the visions of multiculturalism and democracy. For the benefit of a nation the variety of ethnic and cultural groups creates the desire of a strong nation. Aswell, a nation with a responsible government will be seen as a more forceful nation. Countries like Canada who identify themselves with a strong government further their visions as a nation. To have a bilingual nation benefits the spread and the building of a strong society. A country like Canada is able to spread its values and beliefs more efficiently with multiple languages.

A nation's ability to recognize and accept multiple groups for their values and beliefs helps them further themselves as a strong nation. The mix of cultures and groups but still being able to identify their contrasts is what makes people feel a belonging and a pride towards one's own nation. Canada’s history of assimilating different cultures has helped them learn the benefits of a mosaic nation. Rather than being held back by their undignified past and working towards a better future has helped the nation work towards being …show more content…

A nation state must become aware of its responsibilities and work towards becoming self sufficient. If a nation is able to support itself and maintain function it will then be able to grow and become stronger as a whole. Canada shows it’s responsibility to its people by creating two levels of government. The creation of federal and provincial government after the civil war between Canada and America showed Canada’s desire to be a strong independent country. The two levels of government help the people share their views and beliefs which benefits the integrity of the nation. A responsible government that answers to the people is a nation that can be strong and