Ill-Prepared Students Essay

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Ill-prepared students should not be accepted into universities because they disrupt the learning process of the well-prepared students. When unmotivated students are put into university classrooms they take away valuable space, time and resources from other students who intend on making productive use out of their post-secondary education. Ill-prepared students should not be accepted into universities because they taking away the already limited space in the classrooms. University is an opportunity to further your education and eventually make use of that education in positive and productive ways. If unmotivated students are being accepted into universities it takes away opportunities for motivated, well-prepared students to receive an …show more content…

Resources including valuable one on one time for students to seek teacher assistance. University Professors only have so much time to offer towards one on one help for their students. Therefor, when students who don 't focus in class and use the professors personal time to ask for repetition or clarity it deprives the focused and goal oriented students from having their one on one time with the teacher to seek advice in which they plan to make constructive use of. When professors have to repeat lessons for those students who are slacking during class it deprives the rest of the students from moving on with the lesson. Ill-prepared students slow down the learning process for well-prepared students and as a result the well-prepared students are unable to reach their full potential. Again, it is in societies best interest to make well-prepared students a priority over ill-prepared students because they are more likely to be beneficial to the community during and after their schooling is completed. This can not happen if students are being deprived of certain resources throughout their schooling. When unambitious students are put into classrooms it negatively effects the learning process for the rest of the class. Although there are cases of ill-prepared students changing their ways and mind set throughout their attending of university, it is not worth the risk of interrupting the