Essay On What Was The Chief Cause Of The Russian Revolution

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Based on events in History the chief cause of the Russian Revolution was poor government. The Russians lost faith in Czar Nicholas II leadership for the country's or leading the country into a downfall. Since Czars leadership left the economy backwards, the Russians lost faith in his doing for their country. Another situation that Czar proves their was poor government was there was food shortages, forcing his abdication. (“Russian Revolution” Czar was fully responsible for the poor government and the cause for the people to want a change. Czar influenced his people, that soon lost faith in him. (“Russian Revoltuion” The effects brought from this were, riots, refusal from the people m and unhappiness. In St. Petersburg and Moskow workers were starting tilts and they refused to leave. Since they were out of control soldiers had to put the, down with force (“Russian Revolution” …show more content…

Stalin had a very important role. After Vladimir Lenin died Stalin took charge, the only reason was because he outnumber his rivals. He became the leader who ruled in terror “anyone against his ruling was executed or sent to a forced labor camp.” (“Joseph Stalin” Stalin did a few great accomplishment one of me was his 5 year plan to upgrade the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was a peasant society that he change into an industrial superpower, the plan was center of the government. The government soon took control of farms for the reason. From Stalin's leadership he influenced many people with his part in the Russian Revolution. Citizens started to believe it was right for them to spy on one another because Stalin had suspected there were traders acting as if they were on his side. Stalin became very popular that many cities were so proud and supported Stalin that they named cities after him and published books about Stalin. (“Joseph Stalin”

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