Essay On White American Culture

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Over thirty years ago, White America believed that all people who immigrated to the United States of America, whether by force or of their own accord, wanted to assimilate into America’s culture and become a member of a homogenous society (Chronicle 1). During this time, many immigrants decided to assimilate into the White America culture, fearing the consequences from the majority. However, today most millenniums believe that this antiquated way of thinking is out of touch with reality, especially since the globalized world of business is constantly changing (Chronicle 1). In fact, today many immigrants will prefer acculturation over assimilation to retain their primary identity and culture (Chronicle 1). Today, most Americans are more …show more content…

In a study conducted by Herring and his colleagues on workplace diversity in terms of measuring business performance in areas such as market strategies, process improvement and financial health, over 250 representatives from U.S. Companies ranked better than their foreign colleagues (Chronicle 1). Furthermore, Herring’s study revealed that if an employer tasked a series critical thinking challenges to a group of all-white employees and a group of racially mixed employees; the racial mixed group of employees would meet the challenge as a group united versus the all-white group of employee (Chronicle 1). The reason, the racially diverse group of employees would approach the challenge more broadly, brainstorming inclusively to find a more creative solution by supporting group members’ ideas and perspectives (Chronicle 1). Furthermore, Canada, Great Britain and Germany politicians may approach an issue differently than politicians from the U.S., Japan and South Korea, resulting in a more innovative solution, increasing global