Essay On White Culture

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Living in New York City, we encounter different cultures and groups every day, however growing up all I saw was “White”. White people on the television, White people owning businesses, White people as the President, and so forth. In contrast, the “minorities” were almost always portrayed in a less valuable role, especially through the media. This was very disappointing growing up as a Latina, also known as a “minority”, making me feel as though my culture, along with others, were not as important. Although one may discriminate against your culture, does that make it right for you to do the same in return? All cultures should be seen as equal in importance, however we can see how the dominant culture negatively impacts and influences the people of the less dominant culture through media and social interactions. We can also see how the dominant culture at times takes over the less dominant. …show more content…

I have also been discriminated against by White people because I am a “minority”. I went to a predominantly White school when I was younger and always felt that the White children were treated better than me. But what affected me the most is what was said about me from the mother of my friend, who himself was of biracial background (African-American and White). His mother, who is White, said to him that she wanted him away from me because Spanish women were very “fertile” and that we do “voodoo”. After having heard of this I thought, is this what White people really think of us? I also witnessed a whole group being discriminated against by a White person multiple times. There was one scenario where I was on the train when a White lady walked in and said “Great, a train full of ‘spics’ again”. Both of these people’s ignorance to one 's culture lead them to say these hurtful things. In turn, it made me perceive them in a negative way, exactly the way they saw