Why Is Abortion Wrong

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Abortion is wrong in so many ways, it is wrong in the eyes of god it is an offence against him because we were all created not in our own image but in the image of god. It is said in the bible that children are a heritage of god and by performing an abortion you are denying his heritage, it is also stated in the bible that a fetus is a person according to Jeremiah 1:5 before god formed us in the womb he knew us, before we were born he set us apart; he appointed us a prophet to the nations. Abortion signifies that life is disposable and should be considered murder, it is expense to carry out an abortion and it is a business not a personal choice or an act of sympathy on the woman or a relief from mental trauma. According to part 3 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights article 6 (1) and (3) abortion is wrong because every human being has the inherent right to life, this life shall be protected by law and no one shall be deprived of his life. Article 6 subsection 3 states that when deprivation of life constitutes the crime of genocide, it is understood that nothing in this article shall authorize any State Party to the present Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide and abortion is considered genocide. …show more content…

Abortion should be illegal because medical practitioners who perform an abortion is taking the life of a living human being, capable of breathing, capable of crying and nurturing and cutting its life short before it has the opportunity to realize its potential. It should be illegal because the mother who is supposed to love it more than anyone else in the world, who is supposed to protect it is complicit in its pain, suffering and

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