Essay On Why Americans Should Be Required To Vote

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Should people be required to vote or should they have the right to choose whether they want to vote or not? Over the past few hundred years, more and more laws have been passed regarding American voting rights. From women’s right to vote in 1920 to the Civil Voting Rights Act of 1965, voting rights has been a recurring issue among most. People have been fighting for their right to vote for years, but are they fighting for the right to vote or are they fighting for the right to have a choice? There are three main reasons why Americans shouldn’t be required to vote. The first being that requiring younger people to vote would flood the polls with millions of uninformed voters. The second reason is that most young voters don’t care or know enough …show more content…

They want to have control over their own life and not be required to do something that might not matter to them. Plenty of people vote each year, whether that be older individuals or younger individuals. Votes will be cast no matter if voting is necessary or not, requiring people to vote won’t fix the underlying issue that most of today’s “best” candidates have a set and specific audience that they target, because they know that those are the individuals that will be guaranteed to vote for them. Most of the US is split 50/50 on who they are voting for and requiring people to vote won’t talk people into picking their perfect president, it’ll talk people into picking a random person and sending it off. Plenty of older citizens will say that everyone needs to vote and that it is every American right to cast a vote for their country, but nothing good comes from the government forcing people to do something. America has been seen as the land of the free for centuries, but is she the land of the free? if American citizens are told to vote for their own country, people should feel proud to show their patriotism, not confined to

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