Essay On Women In Art, Space, And The City By Malcolm Miles

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In the reading, Art, Space, and the City by Malcolm Miles, the contrasting space and representation of gender that is designated in city spaces is analyzed, along with the overall representation of the city. The novel notes that the space and representation of men in the city is larger and more dominating in the city, men are assumed to control the public city spaces. Women on the other hand are pushed out of public spaces and are associated with more private, domestic parts of life. This association has shaped the development of the city, which takes after male characteristics, and has spread to occupations that often omit of ignore the presence of women in fields of work and portions of life. Today, the growing presence of women in art and in the city is changing assumptions about art and womens artists. Giving a accurate and complete representation of a city is a …show more content…

Flaneur was walking to walk, with no purpose, it has little psychological engagement involved in the process. This process is associated with the privileged and at this time that group was the upper class men. Though walking and exploring the city in this was broadened the understanding and the uses of the city, such as the practice of window shopping. Now window shopping is essential the the success of a business in the city, using their space as an advertisement and representation of what they are selling. Walking down any commercial street in Madrid, one can see the influence and practice of flaneur (Figure 2). Women were not a part of this exploration flaneur, because women walking the street, “...if she can be said to exist, must be a streetwalker or a homeless woman, or some other unfortunate whose circumstances have forced her onto the street…” Exempting women from this development in the city was one way that the city was able to cut them from the expansion and create a male dominated