Est1 Task 1

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The Town of South Amboy was devastated, after it was struck by super storm Sandy on October 29, 2012. The town of South Amboy lost basic services and first responders were working to their full capacity in order to meet the town’s need. There is a Senior assisted living facility in the town of South Amboy near the shore area, the facility housed approximately fifty residents. The view is beautiful from there; however, due to the proximity to the ocean, it’s also a dangerous place due to flooding. The magnitude of super storm Sandy obligated everyone in the facility to evacuate in order to stay alive. Some of the residents of the assisted living facility required special equipment such as wheelchairs, oxygen and special medication in order to be evacuated safely, and due to the severity of the high winds and flooding, the residents or staff members couldn’t drive out of the area. Emergency managers should conduct an assessment of their community in order to identify the individuals with special needs …show more content…

After the individuals with special needs are identified, the emergency managers must also identify any special equipment use by the special population, obtained them and establish Functional Needs Support Shelter (FNSS). The Emergency manager must conduct all the coordination prior any evacuation, if possible, the emergency manager must conduct at least one training exercise in order to make individuals with special needs become familiar with the evacuation plan, review and update the emergency plan. Evacuating of senior citizens could be challenging due to the diversity of health problems they may have, The Emergency manager must coordinate with medical personnel in order to establish a triage area, in order to identify the