Esthetics In Orthodontics

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VERTICAL DIMENSIONAL CHANGE ANALYSIS DURING SMILE: A SURVEY STUDY INTRODUCTION Esthetics is the Greek word for perception, deals with beauty and the beautiful. Esthetics in orthodontics is defined mainly in terms of profile enhancement. Esthetic judgment is made by viewing the patient from the front in dynamic states like conversation, facial expressions, and smiling.Analysis of dimensional changes of smile is an important stage for the diagnosis, treatment planning and prognosis of any dental treatment involving aesthetic objectives. The evaluation of the vertical dimensional changes of the smile is a necessary procedure to achieve consistent form in orthodontic treatments AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The objectives of this …show more content…

However, for this adequate tools are required to overcome the challenge of this subjectivity. “Esthetics” a Greek word is that branch of philosophy that deals with beauty and the beautiful. The term “Esthetics” in orthodontics has been defined mainly in terms of enhancement of the profile. Orthodontics as a branch involves in recognizing what is interfering with the smile. In orthodontics to establish a treatment plan it is important to diagnose what is abnormal. Certain parameters in functional problems lead us to a diagnosis of the anomalies. Similarly aesthetic problems also require certain parameters in order to quantify the defects and decide on the treatment planning. The purposes of this study were to evaluate and quantify soft-tissue changes of the lip in the vertical dimensions at both rest and maximum smile. Assessment of the differences of dimensions between the sexes as well as assessment of differences between subjects with and without gingival display during the smile. The differences in mandibular tooth exposure between the sexes and different smile pattern groups were also quantified . MATERIALS AND …show more content…

No participants had undergone any previous orthodontic treatment that could affect the vertical position of the central and lateral incisors by either intrusive or extrusive mechanics, maxillofacial surgery or anterior maxillary tooth prosthodontic rehabilitation. According to the requirements of the Institutional Ethics Research Committee all participants had signed the consent form. For each subject, 10 measurements of upper lip position and maxillary incisor crown height at rest and in maximum smiling were recorded. The age and the sex of the volunteers was recorded. For recording the maximum smile position, each subject was requested to present his or her full smile a few times, and measurements were taken when the subject successfully repeated the full smile pattern. The following measurements were done on the

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