Etch Factor Analysis

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10.3.3 The Influence of etching parameter on Etch Factor: In order to obtain the effect of etching parameter on etching performance for each different level, the average response of each fixed parameter & level for each etching performance are summed up. Table no. 10.8 shows the total average response & the level of three parameter on Etch factor . The result shows that the optimum etching performance for the Etch factor is obtain at temp. of 600c, Conc. of 700 gm/lit, Time of 8min. This is the optimum setting obtained under the condition in which the experiments were performed. The Etch factor decreases with increase Concentration. The result of ANOVA for the Etch factor is presented in table 10.9. According to F-test, the 95% confidence …show more content…

The etchant used in this experiment is Ferric Chloride. Optimized parameters are Undercut, Etch factor & Material Removal Rate. This parameter optimized by varying factors affecting on process are Temperature, Concentration & Time. An optimal parameters combination for the maximum material Removal Rate, Etch factor & minimum undercut within the range of selected control parameters were obtained by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) & F-test. It was observed that, the Optimal parameters for the maximum material removal rate, etch factor & undercut is at etchant temp. 600c , Conc. of etchant 700 gm/lit & time 8 …show more content…

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