Ethan Frome Character Analysis

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Jermaine Williams Mrs Koolis American Literature Ethan Frome Essay In Ethan Frome, There are different characters that can be characterized as protagonist, or antagonist . These characters consist of Ethan, and Zenaida. Ethan can be identified as the protagonist of the story, while Zeena being the antagonist. There are multiple reasons as to why these Characters are characterized the way that they are. I characterized Ethan as the protagonist for many reasons, one being he is the main character of the novel. He is important because without him there would be no book. In the beginning of the novel Ethan is walking very awkwardly and it leads the reader and evan the author to question why he is walking like that. “He was the most striking figure …show more content…

One point being that she goes against the main character Ethan. Zeena is very dominate but is the weakest link too. She is always sick, and has been for a long while. Whenever she goes to the doctors she is throwing money out the window, and it makes Ethan have to work harder. She is very needy and pathetic. She whines a lot and really makes it hard on Ethan to move on and do things with Mattie. But when she starts to figure out about the Ethan and Mattie situation she tries to get rid of her. She also locks them out, which is weirs because Zeena never locks the door and when she does she usually leave the key outside. But when Ethan realizes the key isn’t there he starts to panic, and Zeena comes to open the door that is her saying that she knows about Ethan and Mattie. “It’s not there. Such a thing had never happened before. Maybe she’s forgotten it... but both of them knew that it was not like Zeena to forget” (21-22). The next example of this is the pickle dish being broken. This is a symbol their marriage being broken and not being able to be put back together. It alyson stops Mattie and Ethan from doing anything that night alone. For more When Mattie and Ethan get into their Smash Up, Zeena out of nowhere miraculously gets better to help the two. Zeena starts feeling better and Ethan and Mattie have to live together knowing that they tried to get away from the women that is now taking care of them. They