Ethical Analysis: The Imperative, Utilitarianism, And Virtue

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Ethical Analysis: The Imperative, Utilitarianism, and Virtue Ethics Principles
The categorical imperative is a philosophical concept of Immanuel Kant and is an important aspect of ethical virtues. It may be defined as a way of looking at the motivations of one’s actions (Bjorn K. Myskja 1). Trust is important to any well-functioning relationship, business, society, etc. but on the other hand mistrust is a natural part of human nature and according to Kant humans are prone to deceiving others ((Bjorn K. Myskja 1). The categorical imperative is supposed to guide humans to make “the right” moral actions and decisions but isn’t meant to tell us how specifically we need to act. There are several forms of the categorical imperative, but the two …show more content…

An imperative is a command, like “go to bed” or “drink more water,” which according to Kant are abbreviations to hypothetical imperatives (Pecorino, Philip 1). “Go to bed, so that you can get your sleep” and “drink more water, because you need to stay hydrated” are the hypothetical imperatives, meaning the commands depend on the outcome to be achieved. These outcomes depend on the person, the situation, and the goal that is desired.
The hypothetical imperatives are supposed to tell us which actions are best to achieve our goals, but they do not tell us which goals we must choose. In deciding these ultimate goals, we must choose between the goal that is right, and the goal that will benefit oneself. In the case of working for Goldman Sacks corporation, you are aware that the preferred products are claimed to be average to low risk even though you have initial concerns that the risk is higher than advertised. You have a high career ceiling, you make over $250,000 a year, and expect to be with the company for the next 30 years, but you also know that a lot of people want this job, and you are easily replaceable. The boss is highly competitive and expects to outsell the rival branches. The elderly couple you are working with specifically asks about some of the preferred investment products that you are concerned with. You know that you must at least disclose