Ethical Decision Making Model Essay

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Case Study # 5 Ethical Decision Making Model 1. In this case study, my clinical supervisor has broken all the rules. As a psychologist, we are supposed to do the what is right by all our clients. The rule that my clinical supervisor has broken is alternated a child’s record, for this child to become eligible for a special education program. However, an ethical standard has been broken, “Misuse of Psychologists’ Work,” act 1.01. Therefore, steps need to be made to corrected this situation. Again, it is about doing the right thing. 2. If I was to discuss this issues with another colleague, it would be a breach of confidence. Nevertheless, some general principles have been broken, “Fidelity and Responsibility,” principles B, where as we supposed to have trust in people we work with. Not only that one, what happen to her integrity? This would be …show more content…

Even though, my clinical supervisor though she was doing the right thing. There is always the HIPAA law. I could speak to someone higher than my supervisor, on some legal advice, but I still must remember the HIPAA law. Then again, I could be held liable for any information that has been revealed, under the state, civil and federal law. Although, these are government funds that are being used to help a child, we must not misuse of them. 4. When it comes to this child, not can be revealed without a consent from the parents, (Standard 3.10). So, any information or concerned about this child testing scores must first go through his or her parents. By the law no information can be revealed or release to any other person, (Standard 9.04). These scores must be secured always, (Standard 9.11). Therefore, in any of this have been release it would be considered, as a breach of confidences. 5. What I need to do is consider other alternatives. She did break another standard law, “Interpreting Assessment Results,” (Standard 9.06). I could speak with someone higher up without breaking any laws, to see what are my other