Summary: The Rule Utilitarianism

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This paper will attempt to answer the questions, “Is cohabitation moral or immoral behavior?” and, “Should Christians engage in or even support this behavior as an alternative to marriage?” As a Christian, God has instructed me to base all of my decisions on His commandments concerning moral and immoral behavior. Moreover, I believe the topics discussed herein are critical for all Christians who wish to live an obedient life that honors God. My goal is to describe the ethical theories from which I based my approach, and to support my position by explaining and applying those theories to the marriage and cohabitation issue of sexuality and sexual immorality. My position is that cohabitation has a prima facie appearance of being a marriage; however, its appearance alone does not make it a marriage. Therefore, anything that falsely attempts to imitate something else is a lie, which is a sin and betrayal against God. As such, Christians should refrain from engaging in or even supporting the practice of cohabitation.
The Rule Utilitarianism Theory
A person’s ethics equates is his or her theory of what is morally right and wrong based on their reasoned and intentional conclusions. My ethical theory is a combination of several ethical theories and principles, one of which is the Rule Utilitarianism approach. This approach is one where “a …show more content…

Consequently, these young adults could be referred to as ethical egoists due to their immoral belief that cohabitation is moral because they find the sexual relations outside of marriage beneficial and fulfilling so, it fits with their own self-interest. Jesus warns that immoral behavior starts first in the heart and mind. Moreover, God instructs that sexual desire can only be rightfully fulfilled within the lifelong union of a man and woman in (holy)

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