Ethical Issues In Gran Torino

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“A successful visual or oral test is one in which director seeks to create new realities and/or fresh perspectives for old ideas”

Scottish historical novelist, Walter Scott once claimed that “honour is a homicide and a blood spiller, that gangs about making frays in the street.” The personal costs associated with gun culture and war is an often controversial topic amongst a patriotic society. Distinguished director, Clint Eastwood diminishes any conception of honour in war and in violence associated with it in the engaging film “Gran Torino.” Presenting antihero and war Veteran, Walt Kowalski, The octogenarian director explores how American culture has created a society in which gun culture is deemed acceptable in American society, however the truth in its impacts is one that leaves man haunted from the loss and devastation gun culture and violence brings. Eastwood encourages his audience to challenge the moral issues in gun violence, especially in American culture through the …show more content…

By the end of Gran Torino it becomes undoubtably resolved that war and violence associated by Americas loose gun laws only leaves devastation in loss, but also the impacts soldiers who have to live with the guilt and psychological damages from taking away lives, despite being seen as honourable by fighting for their country. It is also important to note that Clint Eastwood, the director and central actor of Gran Torino, is most famous for his acting roles in Western films which promote gun violence as something to be glorified, but chooses his last official role in a Film to be one which walks away from gun violence. Eastwood clearly understands the impacts of seeing gun culture as something positive in society, and understands the need for a change in American society in order to prevent future generations from experiencing the abuse of the gun and its detrimental