Ethical Issues In Promised Land

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In the movie Promised Land, two employees from Global Crosspower Solution, Steve and Sue, arrive in an economically struggling Pennsylvania in an attempt to persuade people living in a small farm town to sign off for drilling rights. The ethical dilemma in this movie is fracking. Fracking is the process of drilling and injecting fluid into the ground at a high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release the natural gas inside. Fracking is a dilemma. Not only is it highly dangerous, but this is not a safe way to drill these natural gases out without possibly contaminating the groundwater or having these chemicals leak back onto the land. This ethical problem involves the entire farming community, because if these flammable chemicals leak out, then the entire town may be decimated. The water would become contaminated and drinking the contaminated water could lead to serious health issues. …show more content…

They can either sign off the land and receive a monetary reward or not sign the contract and receive no money and have the land taken away regardless. There are two forces in this movie. One is an environmentalist, Dustin Noble, who tries to convince the farmers not to sign it due to the consequences and harm to the land. The environmentalist demonstrated what could happen if the chemicals leak out onto the land. The other forces are Steve and Sue. They are there to convince the farmer that not only signing the contract the best thing that will ever happen to them, but there are no risks from hydraulic fracking. The farmers would also gain money from the profits gained from drilling. They also play on the farmers fear that if they don’t sign the contract, others will and then they will lose out on the monetary reward and have their land