Ethical Issues In Psychological Research Conducted By Milgram And Zimbardo

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Ethical issues will always be an issue in psychological research and in most cases there will always have to be some sort of trade off of ethics to get reliable results. Research such as that conducted by Milgram and Zimbardo brought this issue to light inside the psychological circles around the world and caused issues such as these to be brought into the public eye. It is because of such research that comities exist today to govern the content of such experiments. Several different issues were raised in Milgram and Zimbardos research in particular, the first and most obvious issue is one that is common in most, if not all psychological experiments; Deception and informed consent. In Milgrams experiment for example his participants were told that they would be involved with a study into the effects of punishment on learning, this effectively denied the participants giving informed consent as they did not know the true nature of the experiment. Zimbardo was clearer with his participants however he did not do a perfect job; he arrested the “prisoners” at their homes without getting their permission to do so.