Ethical Issues In The Movie Miss Evers

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During the year of 1932 in Tuskegee, Macon Country, Alabama in the United States Nurse Eunice Evers became a part of The Tuskegee Experiment Study created by the United States Public Health Service (USPHS). The movie Miss Evers’ Boys portrays the events that led up to the creation of The Tuskegee Experiment Study and what followed afterwards from Nurse Evers’ portray. There were numeral ethical violations that took place with the experiment itself and what occurred throughout the years the study was still being carried out. At the beginning of the study there were no proven treatments for the disease. The Tuskegee Experiment Study was a research experiment targeting a group of African American males who had syphilis in which they after failing to acquire the needed funds to continue the study decided along with the government to discontinue all treatments for the control and no-control males to determine ultimately whether or not it had the same outcome for white people as it did African Americans. The men participating in the study were informed by Nurse Evers that they were to be treated for "bad blood,” which was a localized term used by people to describe a host of …show more content…

Brodus worked with Nurse Evers and agreed with Dr. Douglas to name the study, The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in The Negro Male in which 600 African American men would participate in the study in which there were 399 males who had syphilis which was the experimental group and 201 were control subjects. Many of the subjects were poor and illiterate laborers from the county. Nurse Evers testified before several 1973 Senate hearings centered on the Tuskegee study. (Caplan,