Ethical Standards In Sociological Studies

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There are various ethical standards one must follow when they are doing a sociological study. The American Sociological Association has a set of guidelines that sociologists or students must follow when doing a study. They are known as the code of ethics. When a sociologist decides to begin a study, he or she must get the participant’s consent and they must be informed of the risks the research can bring. After that, the researcher has to make the safety of the participants a priority. Their research can not harm any of the participants and if the case does potentially endanger a participant, the researcher must stop the study. Confidentiality is another ethical standard that the sociologist must keep in mind during and after the study is completed. For example, the researcher cannot disclose confidential information about any of the participants even if the police ask for it. The results of the study have to be available to other researchers and something crucial to keep in mind is that if someone is willing to fund the study it must be known to all. The sociologist must bear the responsibility to deny any funding from any organization that …show more content…

Since the beginning, they should have a clear idea of what they want to present and make sure the “subject” and the producers are on the same page. There are instances where the participant wants to quit the production, and I feel like they should hold a meeting and discuss what a possible solution can be. They should only disclose the information the subject is comfortable with announcing. There should be compromises for what they can and can’t showcase. Take for example, the network BBC has a policy that some programs can’t be on the air before 9 PM because of the children. Regarding the safety of the employees, that has to be a priority when it comes to stunts or visual