Ethical Stewardship In Human Resource Management

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The line manager or any individual in a leadership role face the challenge of earning the trust and building a solid work relationship with its employees. Therefore, it is the human resource department’ responsibility to introduce workplace laws and policies as it relates to ethical stewardship. The human resource department have a greater role in contributing to the success of an organization’s performance. On account of, understanding strategic human resource management role provides a vital concept of the ethical duties implemented by the human resource professionals. As a result, this process adds value by connecting the right people with the right strategy which in turn increases job performance. That being said, key performance metric …show more content…

However, leaders are in position to train each employee and develop a work relationship of trust. Consequently, if the line or operating manager establishes trust with the employee then an increase in productivity may become visible. Thus, management is expected to lead and guide work rules indicating the work behavior he or she possesses. Inasmuch as, the human resource professional is not only able to explain ethical stewardship, but also assist the line and operation managers to achieve long term work goals that employees can adhere to and follow. However, the duty of an employee’s attribute should consist of ethical stewardship. Note the fact, encouraging ethical stewardship allows the human resource professional to help organizations align organizational culture to match the behavior of the company’s values. As a result, employees are given credit for his or her roles since the create human resource systems of performance metric systems are fully aligned with that of the organization. As a result, companies are able to help employees demonstrate new knowledge which in turn creates a new competitive advantage. However, ethical stewardship encourages fairness and equal treatment of employees and a company’s shareholders by focusing on the firm’s policies that work for the success of the organization. Consequently, the leadership style of the line or operational manager …show more content…

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