Ethics Case Study In Counseling

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When the client first meets with the counselor the client Eliza was in denial and was not accepting she had an alcoholic addiction. She was resistance that she did not want to attend counseling, but she was being forced by her school because they found her drinking with her roommates. The radical changed that occurred with Eliza was that she was not admitting she had an addiction and was being forced to attend therapy. So, with all her behavior and feeling lonely she started to consume more alcohol because deep inside of her she did not accept she had an addiction. She will consume alcohol every day but that day she felt very lonely and depressed because her roommates went to a party and did not invite her, so that’s when she started to drink, …show more content…

If the client does not follow through she can be in serious problems and parents need to be aware, so they can support her. It is also legally that the counselor needs to inform the school about her addiction because she can intoxicate, and she needs to be monitored and make sure she is okay. This is for the safety of the client and for the school to be aware of the mental behavior of the client. The school can support the client with additional referrals and follow up with her to make sure she is attending the additional resources that were provided to her.
An obstacle that can be presented in the treatment plan is attending AA classes and group counseling. The client has a lot of excuses and does not find the time to attend the meetings. Client disclosed she has a lot of homework and needs to study more than five hours each day because she has a hard course that is stressing her out. She said she will try her best to attend at least once a week, but she was not promising anything because of her school schedule. She will be able to attend individual therapy, but she is not sure of the rest of the