Dbt Reflection Paper

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I used Dialectic Behavior Therapy (DBT) techniques with some of my clients. I was not trained in this therapy but was familiar with the idea of being in the here-and-now. This technique worked for my schizophrenic client by keeping her focused on what was happening each day by writing in a journal and distracting her from what she thought had been happening in her past. I was able to use Art Therapy with the client I had with PTSD, depression, and suicidal thoughts.
I had one client on probation who was ordered to be in counseling before she could get off of probation. She was also ordered to take anger management before she could get off probation. AMD did not offer anger management so I found her a place that she could take anger management for eight weeks. She had to come up with the money to take the classes, and she did it and was able to get off of probation. Sadly, she died in …show more content…

He had some PTSD issues from his childhood relating to his mother. He had had so much counseling that he knew what to say and how to say it. He wanted help with the issues of abuse from his mother so I decided to use Seeking Safety techniques with him (Najavitis, L.M., 2002). I had taught Seeking Safety when I worked at the women’s prison. My client did not want to attend a group so I started doing it with him in individual session. He was really good at first with keeping his appointments, but as his visitation hearing came closer, he stopped coming to counseling. His father was an attorney and was helping him with his case. I thought he was doing really well. He was attending college, going to Alcoholics Anonymous several times a week, and hanging out with sober friends. I learned on the last day of my internship that he had died of an overdose. It made me feel really bad because he stopped coming for counseling and probably still needed