Euthyphro: One Of Plato's Classic Dialogues

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The Euthyphro is one of Plato’s classic dialogues. It is a well-verbalized piece which deals with the question of ethics, consisting of a conversation between Socrates and one other person who claims to be an expert in a certain field of ethics. It is additionally riddled with Socratic irony in which Socrates poses as the incognizant student hoping to learn from a supposed expert, when in fact he shows Euthyphro to be the nescient one who kens nothing about the subject being holiness. Plato's main goal is to edify us, and he believes firmly that cognizance only comes when we are able to justify and account for our true credences. Thus, edifying is not simply a matter of giving the right answers. It is a matter of leading the student toward the right answers and ascertaining that the student can explicate and justify the answers rather than simply reiterate them. The dialogue form is ideal for this kind of edifying; it shows Socrates leading Euthyphro through Euthyphro's own reasoning, and thereby letting Euthyphro sort things out for himself. The irony is present because Socrates is treating Euthyphro as the edifier when in fact Socrates is edifying Euthyphro. This setup is obligatory in order to encourage Euthyphro …show more content…

If the first is culled, it would implicatively insinuate that whatever God commands must be good: even if he commanded someone to inflict suffering, then inflicting suffering must be moral. If the latter is culled, then morality is no longer dependent on God, vanquishing the divine command theory. Also, if God is subject to an external law, he is not sovereign or omnipotent, which would challenge the orthodox conception of God. Proponents of the Euthyphro dilemma might claim that divine command theory is conspicuously erroneous because either answer challenges the competency of God to give moral