Ethics Paper On The Impact Of Biases On Counseling

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Ethics Paper #1: The Impact of Biases on Counseling Taylor Alley Lipscomb University COUN 5703 Dr. Casey February 16th, 2023 Ethics Paper #1: The Impact of Biases on Counseling As a counseling professional, it is crucial for me to acknowledge and understand my own biases as these can impact the therapeutic relationship and the effectiveness of treatment. In this paper, I will discuss how I have come to realize that I have a bias towards individuals who suffer from bipolar disorder and who also have children. Realization of Bias When I first started this program, I truly believed that I did not have any biases. I have been in therapy for a while, and I thought I had unpacked everything. I was prepared to be the most impartial therapist the world had ever seen. I even had to write a similar paper last semester about biases, and I wrote it about a complex interaction I had with someone who was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I did this while knowing in my head that I would have zero problems being a therapist to someone who has this disorder. My zero-biases fantasy was short lived due to a specific lecture in psychopathology where our class talked in depth about bipolar disorder. At the beginning of class, we covered the basics of what the disorder …show more content…

If I were to work with a parent with bipolar disorder without acknowledging my biases, it could negatively impact the therapeutic relationship. My biases could lead to misinterpretations of the client's behavior and a lack of empathy and understanding. Additionally, my biases could result in the inability to provide effective treatment. I might overlook important symptoms, which could lead to misdiagnosis and ineffective treatment. The biggest thing that I am afraid of doing is dismissing a client's experience all because I experienced

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