
Ethnic Hash By Patricia Williams: The Formation Of Cultural Identity

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What is The Formation of Cultural Identity? Cultural identity can be viewed as experiences or characteristics. Everyone has a unique way of how cultural identity is formed.The sources provided, both show us the differences and similarities of how cultural identity is formed by self perception and personal influences.
In the Essay “Ethnic Hash” by Patricia Williams, Cultural Identity is formed by her experiences. Patricia tells us that she found ethnicity through cooking. In the Essay “Ethnic Hash” it states “My father is from the state of Georgia….His recipes are definitely black in a regional sense, since most blacks in the United States until recently lived in the Southeast. He loves pig, He uses lard.” (Williams paragraph 5). This Part of the essay is …show more content…

In the Informational text it states “Children begin to develop a sense of identity as individuals and as members of groups from their earliest interactions with others” (Trumbull paragraph 1). This quote tells us that people can form their cultural identity by the people around them. Another quote from the article that talks about the formation of cultural identity state's, “Cultural identity is a broader term: people from multiple ethnic backgrounds may identify as belonging to the same culture”. What this quote discusses is that people can identify themselves as americans even though they are from japan, lebanon, and etc. A great example of this is suppose a women lived in lebanon for years , her culture didn't celebrate thanksgiving. Later on she moves to california and discovers that thanksgiving is a holiday, She then starts celebrating it because now she identifies herself as an american. Personal influences around her made her realize she's now american so she should celebrate thanksgiving too. This tells us that Cultural identity can be formed by Personal

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