
Eulogy Of Thomas The Cat

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Today, we mourn the loss of my “brother”Thomas the cat. He was always the loudest young cat. When he was hit in a crossfire between rival clans, it broke my heart. However, Thomas wouldn’t want me to stand up here and cry. He would want me to gather myself before you all and detail his life and legacy.
On May 5, 2017, my greatest friend was born. Thomas was a small little kitten who the doctors said would not make it. In our neighborhood, his mother was exposed to hard fur balls during her pregnancy, which caused him to be born prematurely. For the first eight months of his life, Thomas was on life support. His parents could not afford to feed him and all six of his siblings, so when he turned 1, he left and moved in with my mother and I. We lived in the J.W. Holmes …show more content…

Tom ,as he was known, was in and out of school a lot. When he was out of school, we would go around with the neighborhood boys. After so many suspensions, Tom was expelled. My mother had a rule, “Either go to school or get a job”. Since he was too young to work, he turned to the sale of contraband. Thomas met a girl by the name of Lucy. Lucy and Thomas went on to have 6 children. His fur ball selling caught up to him and he went to the pound. After his eight years in the pound, he turned his life around, with the money he gained from selling fur balls, he bought his family a house outside of the projects. His kids were all put into private schools and ad college funds. Every once in awhile, he would come back to the projects to visit and spread love. Sadly to say, the best thing to ever happen to him was going to the pound. It was where he developed his body, grew as a man, and learned the true bond a family shares. Lucy and the kids went to visit him quite often. His epiphany occurred when he realized that he could not be the father he wanted to be from behind bars. He was no longer the cat he once was, the persona of Tom was dead. He was now

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