Eurystheus Vs Hercules

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After defeating Cerberus, Hercules returned to the kingdom in which Eurystheus ruled. When Hercules arrived at his home, he saw that Eurystheus had already been waiting at the door for Him. Eurystheus told Hercules of a strange land inhabited by those who did not breath our air, but instead breathed the water of Poseidon's oceans. Eurystheus said that his daughter had been watching her favorite TV show Spongebob, when she said “Patty!” Therefore, Hercules was ordered to retrieve a Patty for the daughter of Eurystheus. Hercules announced that he would recruit the strongest mercenaries in the land to complete the task, but Eurystheus then announced that he must do it alone and within 6 hours. Hercules journeyed to the closest shore he could