
Euthanasia Is Wrong Essay

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Oxford defines Euthanasia as “The painless killing of a patient suffering form an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma.”
We must then say that no matter what the situation is, euthanasia means to kill or to murder. The problem we face today is that the contemporary culture has produced many technical terms for euthanasia that justifies murder.

Since all people have a knowledge or conviction that it is wrong to kill aonther human being, an argument can also be made that it is wrong to murder those who are terminally ill as well as elderly persons, apart from the teaching of the Bible. The reason for this consideration is based upon the inhierent value of human life and not on the person’s external conditions. Nothing can change the moral value of any human being. For that reason, murder is wrong whether the victim is young or old, in good health or teerminally ill. Some may argue, however, that administering euthanasia is an act of …show more content…

We know that physical death is inevitable for us as a mortals. However, God alone is sovereign over when and how a person’s death occurs. God has the final authority over death. Life is God’s gift to humzankind and we are commanded not to kill another human being because it is a display of our reverence and regard for God who created all things for His glory. We are not ultimately in control over our lives and the lives of other people whom God created in His image. We are God’s possessions, and He alone has the right to take away life wherever He pleases. Thus, God commanded us not to kill to give us an opportunity to regard one another with the highest esteem regardless of our physical conditions. Dying with dignity does not depend on our won hands or the hands of others. It depends on the providential hands of God, who mediates His love, care, and compassion through the maximum care that other people are willing to

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